Monday, February 26, 2007

Saint Drew

This is one of those rare McFarlane Sports Picks finds at Wal-Mart. The Drew Brees chase/repaint figure from NFL 14.

There is a certain sense of excitement when you see an unopened case sitting on a pallet for the Wal-Mart stockers to put out.

For the uninitiated McFarlane will produce a sports series, let's say NFL 14 for example and will add a figure thats not part of it's normal line-up. You will get repaints showing a particular figures home jersey as opposed to the regular away jersey that it was originally released in, those are variants.

I was actually surprised that the stocker opened the case for me without hesitation. Maybe I can get the new DC Superheroes or the Wal-Mart wave of Star Wars figures next.

An Elite Corps Trooper would look nice in my Clone Army.

Sunday, February 25, 2007


Imagine this, you wake up one morning to a seemingly normal Saturday. You in your slumber, turn on the TV and hear that a sudden outburst of violence is happening in Evansville, one such incident is maybe 2 miles from your house. A car crash on the Lloyd results in a teen being killed. But the teen on the way to the hospital morgue isn't really dead, his vitals must have been low. He bit the EMT technician on the hand and somehow that tech is in a coma from it. A bite that lands a guy in a coma? Details are sketchy but this isn't just a local issue.

The CDC is in route and FEMA is gearing up along with heightened police patrols as this may be some way related to a terrorist attack. Then you hear eyewitness reports that the dead are coming back to life and attacking the living in an attempt to feed on the flesh of their victims.

Reports are coming in from all over. You call your mom and she tells you to get over there, someone bit you niece and he is trying to get in her house.
Then you hear your her scream "get out of my house!"...

This is one excerpt from a project that my friend John and I are working on. It's called EvanZville, Z is for zombie, and it is in somewhat the spirit of Max Brooks novel World War Z and of course George Romero's "Dead" movies.

More to follow...

Test Post aka Somebody's gonna get their ass kicked!

This picture reminds me of that line from Frank Miller's Sin City when Dwight says...

"there's nothing like having your friends show up with lots of guns."